Resource monitoring

Resource monitoring simplified

Monitor and manage your buildings energy vitals with a single, seamless IoT solution  

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Is your building working for you?

Regardless of industry, running a building is a challenge. When it comes to energy use, many businesses are not as efficient as they need to be.


Of energy consumed in commercial buildings is wasted 


Of small businesses have no methods in place to manage energy efficiency


Of decision makers say energy costs are a serious threat to business


Of businesses face increasing costs on energy  
The energy efficiency challenge
Managing occupant behavior
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    Lights left on in empty rooms, computers kept on overnight, windows open with the heating set to high… A shocking amount of energy is wasted through human behaviour—which can be a real challenge to keep an eye on, let alone manage.

Rising operational costs
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    Running a building is already expensive, with rising energy costs, building operators need more control over common energy issues such as under-utilisation, inefficient scheduling, over-performing equipment, and fluctuating supply and demand.

Meeting government policies
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    Powering buildings accounts for 40% of total energy usage in the UK—and businesses are under more pressure than ever to meet energy reduction targets. The 2018 Government policy paper “The Grand Challenges” outlines the aim of halving energy usage in buildings by 2030.

Revolutionised building energy management

Preventing waste, reducing bills, and meeting complex government policies like ESOS might sound daunting—but it doesn’t need to be. We will make building energy management smarter and greener for you.

Consisting of IoT sensors, SIM-enabled connectivity, and a real-time dashboard, our scalable and customisable smart building solution is designed to turn sensor data into actionable insights.

Keep track of:
  • Electricity, gas and water consumption 
  • Temperature and relative humidity 
  • Power generated by renewable energy equipment
  • Report per building, floor, desk or device
    Global real-time view into the operation of your building or portfolio of buildings
    Monitor, compare, and analyse consumption metrics with actionable feedback and alerts 
    Create custom-built dashboards for more advanced data analytics
    Access your data 24/7, from anywhere, on any device, with the confidence that it’s safe and secure
    Deploy public facing dashboards with data-rich, glance-and-go visuals
    Perfect for commercial, industrial and multi-family residential buildings 

    Smart building energy management in 4 steps

    1. Install

    Installed quickly and unobtrusively in a matter of hours, the base unit simply clips to a surface, so there’s no need to shift your equipment or bring the power down.

    2. Connect

    The gateway communicates with the Buddy Platform via our cellular IoT connectivity that supports real-time and reliable streaming of sensor data.

    3. Monitor

    Keep an eye on how energy is used within your building(s) and use data to identify patterns, trends, anomalies, and even predict and prevent problems.

     4. Manage

    Optimise and adjust for better building utilisation, set energy efficiency targets, or use data to consider energy efficiency investments and technology.
    Smart building energy management.
    The fastest, cheapest way to reduce energy bills and cut greenhouse gas emissions
    and will transform the way businesses operate.
    Empower occupants
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      With data-rich, glance-and-go visuals, public facing dashboards provide the perfect way to engage and empower occupants. Whether the dashboard is displayed in a public area or incorporated into a company intranet site, occupants will always know how their building is performing and where they can make improvements.

    Make immediate cost savings
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      A streamlined data retrieval and analysis process completely removes the need for manual research via clipboard trips up and down the stairs. Prevent downtime and identify problems with real-time alerts, or use more granular data to develop business cases for new energy efficiency investments and strategies. Streamline and optimise resources so less people can make a bigger impact.

      For a mid-sized operations or larger, the solution often pays for itself within the first year.

    Meet energy efficiency targets
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      An IoT-equipped smart building will have a far easier time going green. Whether it’s an open fridge or a tap left running, pinpointing the causes of excess utility usage allows for the implementation of floor, room, or even desk-specific plans to meet energy targets and green standards, rather than resorting to guesswork or blanket solutions. Set goals, arrange competitions, and send out reports to engage occupants in your energy efficiency journey.

    Our clients experience an average 15% reduction in overall energy consumption as a result of actioning insight from the solution. And with scalable offerings that extend to multiple buildings or floors, and customisable solutions tailored to your needs, Buddy gives you the control on how and where you monitor your building’s energy use.


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